Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Tips on doing a paper run

Are you starting the job of doing a paper run soon, and you want some tips from someone who can safely say they're not an expert but has done the job before?

Well guess what? I can help you there!
I just got back from doing my first paper run and here are a few tips that might just make your paper run a little easier to handle.

1. Bring a drink bottle!
     I made the sad mistake of not bringing a drink and by the end of my round I was feeling pret-ty woozy. If your run isn't that long you would probably make it, but I would still say it's a great idea to bring some water especially if you're out in the sun.

2. Dress for the weather
     A paper run is not a fashion show so don't fret about looking 'cool' or whatever. If you need a hat, wear a hat. If you need a raincoat, wear a raincoat. Better to be safe than sorry.

3. You don't have to go it alone
     If you're route has a lot of houses or is on a difficult terrain, don't hesitate to ask your parents or a friend or someone you trust for help. They don't have to go through the whole run with you, but it is best to have someone to keep an eye on you. You don't have to give them a share of your pay if you don't want to ;)

4. Fold your papers beforehand
     Folding your newspapers along the way might be easier for you, but I personally find it faster and easier if I fold up my papers before I deliver them. That takes away the time you spend trying to fold up the paper before you put it in the mailbox, and the short battle of wind/weather vs. newspaper. I also found it lighter if I folded them up... not sure why.

5. Know your route (and be aware of mailboxes)
     I would say it's a good idea to walk around your assigned paper route before the day that you have to deliver the papers, so you become familiar with  the area. Also, take note of where all the mail boxes are!!!  Unless you live on one of those streets where all the houses look the same, remember that mailboxes can be on either side of the gate, hidden behind a bush, inside the fence... and many other places. Take care to deliver to all the mailboxes you're assigned to.

Hope this helps!!!
If you have anything specific to do with paper runs that you want advice on, you can always comment or email me and I will try to reply as fast as I can!

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